I don't like formulaic writing styles for many reasons. The first reason is because the writer loses their voice. Secondly, it does not promote creativity. Lastly, it's boring to read. In conclusion, I don't like formulaic writing styles.
On the first day of class, I told my composition class to write about anything they wanted. A student named Jane wrote:
"One month ago, I went to the dental clinic. Because I had a toothache. I had an examination and my wisdom tooth will take out. Now my wisdom tooth is not in my mouth. Anyone says to me; "If you had a wisdom teeth, You know what is life." I haven't know what is life, but I know it. "Don't eat sweet candy and chocolate too much!!"
Her paper went in the "save for later" pile.
One class, I asked them all to write about three things they would bring with them to a deserted island.
Most students wanted to bring a laptop.
I mean, I know this is a fantastical question, but your answer should still be based on reality. What would you do with a laptop on a deserted island? Update your facebook status to: 's stranded? Unless your other two items are a satelite dish and a solar panel, a laptop's pretty pointless.
One student saved my grading day. His answer? His girlfriend, a big sharp knife, and a lot of beer. Now there's an answer I can get behind.
This same student, Jun, also made my day when I asked the students to write about themselves in the present tense 15 years from now. I emphasized that they should be creative. A lot of things can happen in 15 years I told them.
Every other student essentially wrote the same paper. I am married. I have 2 kids. I am working hard at my job. I am not making much money. I guess if they don't dream big they won't be disappointed.
Jun turned in something different:
"I live in a caravan near Jiri mountain. I am not living like other people who have their own cars, houses, wives, and children. I have got my girlfriend. We are not going to get married."
I literally set the paper down, looked upward and breathed a big sigh of relief before continuing. He went on to talk about how he does not need to live like everyone else to be happy. If I'm allowed to have favorites, he's mine.
Boom isn't in my composition class, but I thought you might be interested in an update from him anyway. He came up to me last class and told me he wanted a different name. I guess he wanted something a little more normal.
"I want changey name."
"Really? What name do you want?"
Then he pointed to his folder. It showed Winnie and Piglet chillin with Tigger. Fantastic. Pooh it is.
Even less related to Composition Class, here are some pictures I took on a hike yesterday. The first is a panorama pieced together from 9 pictures: